The hashtagIRGCannesSummit2024, which took place last weekend, was an incredible gathering of 170 CMOs and growth leaders on a stunning hilltop near St-Paul de Vence, France. Held just before The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, the summit focused on connecting CMOs with their peers across the C-Suite and exploring ways to drive business impact through innovative partnerships, communities, and relationships.

KennedyFitch hosted and moderated a carousel with our managing partner Frank van den Brink, to explore and discuss the critical relationship between CMOs and CHROs in driving humanized growth. A key takeaway was marketing’s unique ability to serve the CHRO function by integrating external stakeholder perspectives into compelling value propositions and experiences that drive humanized growth. A big thank you to the panellists Lindsay Pattison of WPP, George P. Olexa of Intel, and the engaging CMO audience for their invaluable insights!

One of the highlights was the fireside chat between Eva Linderborg and Edson Sabajo, Founder & CEO of Patta, on “Keeping the community at Heart.” Their brand promise and purpose, “Out of love and necessity rather than profit and novelty”, truly inspired and they really walk their talk driving multi-stakeholder value in its purest form!

Frank van den Driest, Founder of IRG, and Jay Shetty had a thought-provoking discussion on human purpose & identity. They touched on the rise of the “false ego,” the importance of upcycling gratitude, how grace leads to personal growth, purpose pain exercise, and how purpose can be expanded through the BLISS framework (Belonging, Learning, Individual usefulness, Service, and Surrender).

As organizations navigate the shift towards humanized growth and creating positive societal and environmental impact, the challenge lies in transitioning from awareness to impactful actions and changing leadership behavior. During the weekend there were many conversations, engagements, dialogues, and personal stories around our shared belief in the importance of Humanizing Growth and creating multistakeholder value, though the paths to achieve these goals will emerge.

Download our CHRO study on Humanized Growth here:

Thank you, IRG, for our partnership and the exciting journey we’re on. Special shoutout to the amazing individuals who made this event possible:
Marc de Swaan Arons, Mariana Peneva, Leanne Rathore, Aljan De Boer, Meghna Jain, Fleur Elverding, Dabney Hailey, Ashley Wray, Tiffani Sossei, Robert Tas, Marissa Jarratt, Hanne Sondergaard, Andrew Essex, Jonathan Halvorson, MBA, Ingrid van der Aa, Andisa Ntsubane CM (SA) FCXP (CX-I), Andreea Sapunaru

Photos by SalomeStories(.com)