We invite you to the “KennedyFitch Employee Experience Day Powered by TIAS  to share “what works” and to gain insights to shape the future direction of EX. In a full day event you will have the opportunity to learn from progressive leading EX companies, reflect on your own mindset change to embrace EX and get the newest insights from the 3rd global EX KennedyFitch survey.

How do you talk about your work to friends and family? Enthusiastically or with an eye-roll?
Leading companies in EX are now aiming to capture how EX can really change the DNA of how they work. At the end of the day, it’s about what your employees are answering to the question: “How’s your day been?”. Every day.

What does this paradigm shift mean for attracting and engaging top talent? How do you build a better Employee Experience in your organization? What can we learn from recent research and from other organizations? And which mindset change do you need to internalize to embark on this journey?

When: November 19th. 2019
Where: The Faculty Club in Tilburg
Time: We will start at 9AM and finish at 5PM with drinks

Your Registration
As the number of seats is limited, we strongly recommend you to register at your earliest convenience. Please note that the event is free of charge for our business relations. Your registration includes a high quality learning experience, introduction to our network of (HR) business leaders and lunch. With you registration we count on your participation. Please note that if you are unable to attend, a timely cancellation is highly appreciated to avoid food waste. You also give someone else the opportunity to participate in your place.

Registration is closed

Sander de Bruijn joined ING in 2018 as their Head of Global Employee Experience. In this role, Sander is responsible for a differentiating and consistent employee experience within ING. With almost 20 years of experience in Marketing and Talent Acquisition roles Sander has delivered numerous customer and candidate experiences. As ING is standardizing global HR operations, it is Sander’s responsibility to put the employee at the heart of this transformation and design and create experiences that are personal, easy and smart.

Rogier Huffnagel – Private practice in executive and transition coaching of top executives and professionals, the whole person in the profession. Integrated approach. Inspire in transitions and being a sounding board and advisor. On topics such as leadership, deployment of talents, performance and choices in career and life. Individual and teams. Connecting man with profession, pragmatism with soul and new horizons with fulfillment and vitality. Frequent speaker. Organizing Masterclasses and Summerschools on subjects as ‘Leadership’, ‘Mental flexibility’ and ‘Inquiry of our Self; the power of selfreflection’, within companies and in cooperation with TIAS and the Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte.

Luuk Sombezki – Leading the EX team at ABN AMRO where we focus on changing the mindset and creating new ways of working to help design solutions our employees need.

Veronique Klaassen is Director of Uitvaartzorg DELA and responsible for the HR portfolio at DELA and therefore one of the driving forces behind the transition that DELA has made. Veronique won the public award in the HRtop100 December 2018.

Wouter van Aaken is a business development manager that operates in a sector where customer experience is driven by the expertise and empathy of the funeral professionals. Therefore Wouter focuses on improving the work conditions for his colleagues. By improving planning, education, information and change management he builts a system that facilitates satisfied clients but also makes DELA a great place to work.