Consulting Specialization

  • OD
  • Transformation
  • Change Management
  • HR Strategy
  • Leadership Assessment
  • Buy/ build approach
  • Operating model

Coaching Specialization

  • Executive coaching
  • Behavioral coaching
  • Life coaching
  • Career coaching

Search Specialization

  • HR
  • Transformation
  • Supply Chain/ Operations
  • Life Sciences

Wouter van Hunnik


Practice: Consulting, Coaching, Executive Search
Based in: The Netherlands
Languages: Dutch, English

My professional development started in Management Consulting, with main focus on Operational Excellence and Customer Service strategies. Over time my area of expertise became Change Management which led me to move into the HR function at a large multinational.

During my 11+ years I was able to take on multiple HR jobs (including an expat assignment in the US) with OD and change being a red thread. After supporting the COO of the company, I got the opportunity to help build an ambitious start up in the Biotech industry, giving great experience in navigating a very dynamic environment.

Delivering results with speed and care for all stakeholders is what describes my approach. Getting the problem statement right is a key factor for me. Building on my conceptual skills I like to navigate complex environments and find a pragmatic way that works for an organization.

Western Psychology and Eastern Philosophy is the foundation of my Coaching Education. Awareness then is the key word I like to base conversations on. Truly understanding the drivers of behavior and the insight there is freedom to choose a different path is where I have experienced and observed personal transformation.

Executive Search
Understanding beyond the job is what I am after in a job search. Appreciating the strategy, culture and stakeholder dynamics are key enablers of finding the right match for the job, beyond specific competences.